Thursday 24 January 2008

Coursework Review

Just thought I go over what I had done so far with Module 3 and what is still to do. Just to put my head back in order and kick start the enthusiasm to get this module finished soonest.

I have the idea for the final piece, but the chapters still to do seem like weights holding down the urge to get on and create it, so positive thinking I'm going to make a "To Do list" and see if this will help.

Chapters completed

Chapter One Collecting Images of Man-made Spirals

Collection for reference of ideas for accessories

Chapter Two Design work - 3D, Monoprinting and Computer drawing

Chapter Three Colouring Fabrics and Threads

Chapter Four Decorating fabric with Stitchery - Hand stitches

Chapter Five Cord Making

Chapters Started

Chapter Four Decorating fabric with stitchery- need to make more machine samples

Chapter Six Tassels - 3 simple tassels made

Chapter Eight Beads - sample started

Chapter Ten Make an accessory - Hat - idea for design found and samples being made

Chapters Still to look at

Chapter Two 2D warm-up exercise

Chapter Seven Buttons

Chapter Nine Design an Accessory

Chapter Eleven Full Working Design Sheet

Chapter Twelve Resolved Sample

Chapter Thirteen Research of Artists

Time Plan

It amazes me that on Summer school, or any work shop I attend, I can get so much done in such a short amount of time. I can procrastinate for England when at home, there is always the food shopping or washing, vacuuming etc to do, and yes I can sit at the computer and blog when I should be working on my coursework! So I shall hopefully be posting each evening what I have done each day. Even if it is only a small amount.

Today I shall be working on the Bead Samples. I have 4 canvasses ready and here is what I have done so far.

This sample will show how three different sizes of beads can cover a square in three ways, sparcely through to completely.

1 comment:

stitching in the sun said...

Hallo Alison, it's always a pleasure to read your news! I love your new header and I absolutely admire your to do list, that's fantastic, I am tempted to use it too (may I?) since we're keeping the same pace. I know, I know, summer school is looming, we have to keep going and it's still a loooong way ... I find tassels a bit difficult (made four so far, but my fingers are still clumsy), and I'm looking forward to buttons (fun!!). I plan to be working on beading in April and get focussed on the accessory design just in time to meet next July. Bye for now