Follow my Journey through the City & Guild Embroidery 7922/3 Course. Level 3 Certificate in Stitched Textiles. As I meander at Tortoise pace, instead of rushing through like the Hare!
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Last day of January
Just had an idea regarding beads, jewelry wire, crimps and threads - now off to see if a button can be made
Yes I'll show you tomorrow!
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Wednesday WiPs
Here are my Wednesday WiPs
1) Black and White Seminole Quilt Top
This is the first machine pieced top following a pattern from Green Mountain Quilts. The borders on the pattern are small squares but I have a need to complete it and start quilting so I intend to put a white border around it and quilt a black diamond pattern on it, then put a second black strip and then bind with dark grey fabric.
2) Inspired by Helen Conway's "No Fear Quilt" blog date Sept 24th 2006This is going to become a raffle quilt for the church bazaar in November - best to start early!
Helen's quilt,which I saw in an article she wrote in a quilting magazine, inspired me as I had the fabric and no idea what to do with it.
3) Poinsetta QuiltIt would take a while to describe this technique so I shall be as brief as possible - lay out the squares as close as possible on iron-on vilene, press with hot iron. Next sew down each row with a 1/4 seam once done cut vilene on fold and press open seam, next do the same again down each column. The quilt will "shrink". I now need to add a border and quilt it.
4) Fan BlocksFan blocks made on a Sally Holman workshop.
What possessed me to chose these colours is the question I ask every time I look at them. Is this salvageable or ...?
Wednesday and half the weeks gone!

Nothing was posted yesterday as I spent most of the day at my son's Hockey Tournament for local Primary Schools. Now I am not a sporty person and as much as I love my children and support them in what ever they do I must confess to HATING (with a passion) sports days. Having got that off my chest I must also say I spent a most enjoyable afternoon cheering on the two teams we had in the competition AND even ran the line when the two teams ended up playing at the same time and on different ends of the pitch as the teacher couldn't be in two places at once! I haven't a clue about hockey ( I was too worried about damaging my hands as a school girl artist to really bother with it) so you can imagine the mess I could have made of it, but dispite that the team won the match 4-0. It was a bitter afternoon but the fresh air worked wonders and had me asleep by 10.30pm so not much chance of a late night working session.
This evening I intend to dig out all my quilting WiPs, (Work in Progress) and dedicate Wednesday evenings to quilting, so most Thursdays you will be able to see how I have completed them!
Off to do the school run - may post examples of quilts later...
Monday, 28 January 2008
Coursework update
This evening I attended the first of many committee meetings for the Quilt Show to be held in June. As usual I have left with a job - well isn't having something to do all part of being a member of the committee in the first place? No point being there if you're not going to pull your weight! So I shall be co-ordinating the quilt enteries - no pressure there then!
Nothing done this evening on the creative front. Off to bed now and a couple of pages of "Northanger Abbey" which we are reading at the Book Club.
Sunday, 27 January 2008
Okay, where are the photos?
but after cooking for what felt like the 5,000 I ended up sewing strips of black fabric and turning them inside out ready to be attached to Scout flags for a memorial service to a Lady who had started my Son's scout group in 1945.
This is the cushion I made for Pam's medals, the silver acorn with the yellow ribbon was given to Pam by the Queen. The cushion was placed on her coffin during her funeral on Friday and was in Church for the service of "Jollification" in celebration of her life.
Afterwards I took my daughter and a friend to Sandown Race course for the annual craft fair where I was able to get some circular cutters for my Cutterbug and magnetic beads, (resulting necklace on show later today) and once home proceeded to
cut out lots of circles in various sizes to make felt buttons. Todays (!) job will be to attach them to the fabric on the ring, embellish and then make the fabric into YoYos, (Suffolk Puffs), so that they look like buttons.Now it is bedtime Good night!
Friday, 25 January 2008
It's Friday!
So when will I be able to fit in some course work today?
Will a photo be posted before 12 midnight?
...wait and see.
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Today's Work
After spending a good part of the day sorting out what has been done and what has been started into chapter bags - yes each chapter has it's own bag and I can pick up the piece I want to do. Keeping each chapter together and it's portable to take to after school clubs etc. Obviously I will only be taking the hand stitchery pieces, have you tried block printing on the back seat of a car whilst parked in the Church car park! Then again my Daughter has a battery operated portable sewing machine so who knows what I could do?
Tonight I made up one of the buttons whilst waiting for my Daughter's Inter-house Talent Competition to begin. My Daughter and her friend have been praticing a song from High School Musical with puppets. The event was the creation of the A Level Drama students who auditioned, rehersed and organised the show. The whole evening was full of talented children - singers, dancers and actors, so we were very pleasantly surprised when the Puppets came first in the drama section.
Coursework Review
I have the idea for the final piece, but the chapters still to do seem like weights holding down the urge to get on and create it, so positive thinking I'm going to make a "To Do list" and see if this will help.
Chapters completed
Chapter One Collecting Images of Man-made Spirals
Collection for reference of ideas for accessories
Chapter Two Design work - 3D, Monoprinting and Computer drawing
Chapter Three Colouring Fabrics and Threads
Chapter Four Decorating fabric with Stitchery - Hand stitches
Chapter Five Cord Making
Chapter Four Decorating fabric with stitchery- need to make more machine samples
Chapter Six Tassels - 3 simple tassels made
Chapter Eight Beads - sample started
Chapter Ten Make an accessory - Hat - idea for design found and samples being made
Chapter Two 2D warm-up exercise
Chapter Seven Buttons
Chapter Nine Design an Accessory
Chapter Eleven Full Working Design Sheet
Chapter Twelve Resolved Sample
Chapter Thirteen Research of Artists
It amazes me that on Summer school, or any work shop I attend, I can get so much done in such a short amount of time. I can procrastinate for England when at home, there is always the food shopping or washing, vacuuming etc to do, and yes I can sit at the computer and blog when I should be working on my coursework! So I shall hopefully be posting each evening what I have done each day. Even if it is only a small amount.
Today I shall be working on the Bead Samples. I have 4 canvasses ready and here is what I have done so far.
This sample will show how three different sizes of beads can cover a square in three ways, sparcely through to completely.
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Work room, it's the lounge for me!
It's a tough life!
The Week-end
The rugby match was fun, although the best bit had to be the Stade France Paris team with bulging muscles encased in pink - yes I did say pink!- spray on shirts. WOW! What physiques! I'm afraid to say they put the Quins to shame in both looks and score 31- 10. The team also has a very tasteful nude calendar out. I shan't peddle such nonsence here, but should you wish to google you won't be disappointed!
Now I must put the final touches to the Thameside Tattler , (Thameside Quilters newsletter - the quilting group I belong to if I haven't mentioned them before) as it goes for copying tomorrow and do all those Motherly Sunday jobs - like remind children to complete homework, pack bags for lessons tomorrow, make sure uniforms are ready and so on...
I'm itching to re organise my work room again, well if I get on with the other jobs I might just find some time before bed...
Friday, 18 January 2008
What I did today...
I also bought some stamps - Paisley designs to use with my current module as I had abit of an idea before Christmas and it is gradually taking shape, hopefully.
Unfortunately the weekend has been ambushed by the Mothers Union jumble sale, as I'm on'th Committee I am expected to be there from 10am til 4.30pm, and Husband has organised a family day out on Sunday to the rugby at the Stoop, (daughter not keen and I'm praying for dry weather! Son's ecstatic, Husband would rather be at his beloved Sixfields), so no playing with gadgets and stamps til Monday.
Is it possible to sew and watch rugby? I have been known to embroider during a football match much to the disgust of the diehard fans who believe a woman's place is next to the kitchen sink!
Off now to find a space in the workroom for the new toys.
Wednesday, 2 January 2008
New Year, New lists...
1. I left home to go to art college, as the first member of my family to go onto further education, instead of leaving home to get married.
2. I fulfilled the plan I made at 13 years of age to go to art college and have a career as a graphic designer. (Sadly I failed the final part of the plan to be a dedicated career woman, see points 3 & 4).
3. I found the love of my life on Christmas Eve 1985 and I wasn't even looking.
4. I am a Mother of two wonderful children who I hope I have brought up to be happy, well rounded caring people you can be proud of.
5. I have experienced the peaceful passing of a life I created and know "time can be a great healer" - stupid thing to say to someone when the pain is so raw but I have reached the other side of grief and know this to be true.
6. I have run a Toddler Group on a voluntary basis for the Mums, Dads, Granparents and carers of my town for 13 years just for the fun of it, because I know the families need us.
7. I have made two bed size quilts, (ok, they were single beds).
8. I finally completed module 2 of my Distant Learning C & G course - I can't divulge how long it took, I'm too embarrassed to say.
9. I have been driving for 19 years and have a clean licence.
10. With the use of my "wonder womb", (my DH's theory of how it's done) I can find anything anyone has misplaced in the house - except for the necklace I bought my son's teacher in November which I tidied away when some friends came to visit!
And then in a parallel world my other self's list would include:
1. My company, Burning Bush Designs, incorporates corporate design, advertising and graphic design and is continuing to win awards and is never off the front page of Campaign for all the right reasons
2. I have a column in the Observor, where I wittily advise how to style your home and life
3. My relationships with certain actors of stage and film have been the highlight of Hello and OK for a number of years, but I have never divulged and my lips are still sealed!
4. My views are sought by all the major political parties and I am a regular visitor to Chequers - mainly to restyle it as Gordon and Sarah hate what the Blairs did to it!
5. The Royal Family have called upon my corporate expertise to relaunch their new look in 2008
6. My week-ends, when free, are spent at my cottage in the Lake District, well I say cottage its more of a lodge by Lake Windermere, well I say lodge, it's like a large house with rolling lawns down to the waters-edge where the ripples from the passing cruisers lap at the boathouse gates.
7. My millions are spent helping other less fortunate people find their feet and set them up on the first rung of their own career ladder.
8. My other millions are busy enabling women throughout the world realise that they are not second class
9. I have personally blown out a number of peace candles burning in some of the major churches in the UK after the women I helped made the men see sense and World Peace finally happened on New Years Eve.
10. With the use of my "Wonder Womb" I can find anyone missing throughout the world, even Gran-ma who I tidied up in November when some friends came to visit!!
Give it a go and see what you have accomplished in your life and your fantasy life!