I know that there a many Lakeland Plastic Stores around the country, yet if I am in the Lake District I have to visit the "Mother Ship" at Windermere.

We have been coming to the Lakes for so many years now that DH knows a trip to Windermere without a call into the Lakeland Store is not worth the bother - also he knows there is a very nice coffee and cake awaiting him in the cafe! I didn't spend too much - an electric plate warmer for the In-Law's wedding anniversary and zippy string bags to put your loose goods in while food shopping instead of using plastic bags - very green, I'm really trying to avoid plastic bags where I can.
Daughter and Son were not too impressed, so they were taken to the Galactic Emporium. Sadly they do not have a website I can show you, but it is packed with all things Star Wars, Star Trek and other such space based films, TV programmes and books. We found it last year and the children have not stopped reminding us that WE HAD TO VISIT if we went any near Windermere! Fortunately DH like this shop too!
Daughter and I found this shop,
http://www.littleheaven.co.uk/ where you can buy the most "heavenly" doll's houses like this one.

This technically shouldn't be in this blog because we didn't buy it!!!!
That doesn't mean we didn't want to
The day was rounded off with a visit to Keswick to book tickets for an evening out at the Theatre later in the week and a Fish & Chips dinner.
On the Friday - 8th - we ventured to Sedbergh, not too far away from our base as Son wanted to see the opening of the Olympics. There I had a bit of a BOOK FEST, sadly the official Book Festival doesn't begin until September, but that didn't stop me!!!!
First stop was the Dales and Lakes Book Centre where I found these two books.

and then I found the Sleepy Elephant!
http://www.sleepyelephant.net/ . Apparently Mum and Dad in Law visited Sedbergh recently and thought that this book shop would be just the book shop for me and boy where they right! I could have bought the shop!!! Book upon book of creative books, I had to be very strong and only buy the ones I could use imediately. So I decided on one about lettering in embroidery, two books by Mary Thomas which has a section on drawn threadwork, two other books on drawn threadwork, one of which is produced by DMC and is very useful and has clear instructions if sadly missing it's cover.

After coffee and cake, well it was "elevenies", we ventured to Farfield Mill. http://www.farfieldmill.org/ DH and Son had a walk while Daughter and I wandered around. Plenty of wonderful things made by the Designers in Residence, Clyde Olliver works from here and some of his work was on show. I really like the way he uses slate and thread. The mill used to make blankets and there is an artist, (who unfortunate was on holiday when we visited - well we have to take a break sometime I suppose!), who still runs one of the original machines producing lovely colourful blankets.
On the top floor was Avril's Books, who - please forgive me if this is wrong - I was lead to believe is connected to the Sleepy Elephant and she just had to have some books on Church Embroidery and I just had to have them! Beryl Dean too!

Back on the lower level I saw this fan.

Here's abit of controversy as it is made in Tibet and sold to help the people of Tibet, so I throught this is just the reference material I need for the piece I am thinking of creating for the Module 4 final piece and it's a thumb to the nose of the Olympic hosts as as I bought it the opening ceremony had begun. By this time Son was chomping on the bit to return to base to see as much as he could. So we did.
We have enjoyed the Olympics, Son was waking up very early to see as much as he could before we dragged him off to some wet and sodden part of the Lakes. Later in the evening we would watch the highlights and cheer the GB team as they received their medals. We delayed our departure on the day of the rowing final and screamed like mad and "rowed" the team home! How we didn't break the furniture is a miracle
Sadly I was on my own for the Women's marathon, even though the children requested a wake-up call, which I duly did to be told that "I'll be down soon". Never mind there's always 2012 Paula, and well done to Mara Yamouchi who came 6th.