Saturday 18 July 2009


So it was going to be "Finished Yet? Friday" as Jane seemed to sum me up so well and with a title like that I was sure to be spurred on to get motivated and finish the certificate this side of my 50th birthday! I'm 42!

With Friday looking good as a whole day to do coursework I was stymied by a phone call from a client enquiring the whereabouts of their order - we had our dates crossed, so everything was dropped to accommodate the refocusing of time to get said order out!

Friday evening was "Book Club" and as end of term is looming and holidays will stop us meeting til September we met at the local curry restaurant. Not much discussed about the book, "Friday Night Knitting Club" - as usual - but we caught up with all our news

Fortunately I had been able to put the final piece idea down on paper whilst at the hairdressers so this is my proposal:

Next week Finished Yet Friday, but this week I shall go with Meg's "Forget Friday, Send it Saturday!"

Great to see other Distant Stitchers joining in!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Well I would have joined in if I had got anything done this week - well done getting us organised.