Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Hidden under a Pile of Quilts

It's been too long since I last blogged and how busy have I been?

Too busy!

On top of the usual family stuff of looking after DH, the Darlings and the Pigs, taxiing the Darlings around, fitting in coursework and running the Toddler group, I been busy with my little business. Yes, I took the hint from the kids - see earlier post - and found a lovely little bussiness that means I can sew to my heart's desire and get paid for the honour! I've been doing this since 1st December and, so far so credit crunch, I seem to be doing rather well.
Due to the nature of what I make I have two built in deadlines of June and September and a possible Christmas market to cater for. As this is the first trading year for me it's a bit crystal ball, but what fun I am having?
So in between family, working and Course work, I just had to be involved in the organising of the quilt show for my quilting group Thameside Quilters, hence the title of this blog. Believe me I have had a lounge full of quilts which finally left last week-end.
How lucky was I?
Here are a few of them...
This was one of my favourites called Tropical Glasshouse
This one by Paula Doyle won a prize at Sandown
and was predicted to claim the Visitor's Choice...
...but in the end it was this quilt by Paula for her Son to take to University which won the day!
Another quilt that was at Sandown - yes we have very talented quilters in this group!
It was hard work, but I had a great committee working with me and we had a great week-end - is it just a week ago? All that work and only photos and memories to remind me.
I'll share some more quilts another time as I now have to get organised for my Summer School at Urchfont - a time to create in beautiful surroundings and a few days for ME - JUST ME!

1 comment:

Jane said...

good to hear from you again, busy as ever. See you on sunday.