Friday 18 September 2009

Fabricate Friday and a trip to Sandown Park

I have been collecting the scraps of fabric and threads whilst working - waste not want not - and putting them in a plastic wallet knowing I would do something with them later. I then thought it might be fun to sew a grid over the the wallet to keep the scraps in place and then - in a ventilated room - heated it with a heat gun to see what happened

The Result

More detailed photo

I think it needs more heat to create more holes and then I will try to trap the paper pulp on it too! I'll try this sometime later this evening in between being Taxi Mum for Brownies and choir!

I visited Sandown Park today for the Craft show - what a disappointment! Not so much the quality, I was able to spend enough money at the favourite stalls that were there, but the question was... Where was everybody else? I have been going to Sandown for a many a year and in the early days all three floors were in use and it was very busy. This year only the main area was in use. Credit Crunch, Greedy Promoters charging too much, or has the bubble bust in the Hobby Craft business? Your opinions welcome...


carrie said...

I went to a quilt show at Sandown earlier in the year. It was empty - nice for the viewers but I should think the traders were having kittens.................

Anne B said...

Nice grids. Well-melted. And cheap too - I imagine the cheap, thin ones give a better result than the industrial strength ones??

Cda00uk said...

We were there on Sunday and it was pretty much the same - although I'm told Sunday is usually the quietest day. I thought there were far fewer cross stitch kit stalls than there used to be. The paper crafts and knitting stalls seemed to be doing good business.