My civilised Glastonbury happened last weekend
and I had a great time, as usual, even if the umberella
made too many appearances.
Here is my Adonis with Adonis Kebab
I was transported back to the 80's singing along to two of their hits, "Digging Your Scene" and "It Doesn't Have to be This Way".
Ziggy Marley did his Father proud with a fine selection of his own and his Father's hits.
Andy Bell fresh from "Pop Star to Opera Star" and two gigs in Scandanavia made my day.
Bopped til I dropped and sang my heart out. LOVE, Love, Love their music and have them blasting around my workroom on a regular basis. I last saw them in the 90's and Andy was as good on Sunday as he was then. Vince was his usual enigmatic self. And I saw a "first" - the Roadie tuning the computer before they came on! Only
Headlining was James Blunt... I was worried I would have to explain to my friend's husband that she wouldn't be coming home as she had "gone on tour" with him as she disappeared down the front of the crowd half way through his set!
Daughter was sent to chaperone and return her to base camp at the end of the show!
Husband, not a great fan of Erasure or Mr Blunt, was seen heading to the other stage to see Hugh Cornwell of the Stranglers and John Lydon and PIL.
He was able to tick his "See before they Die" list!