Friday 2 October 2009

Fabricate Friday

(Apologies to John Lennon)
And so this is Friday
And what have you done?
Another week over
And a new one soon begun
And so this is Friday
I hope you had fun
The coursework and creating
Ideas, new and old...
So my week has been spent making a new banner for a Mothers' Union branch
The lettering on the left has yet to be sewn down
and will need to moved down slightly to line up with the right!
I had hoped to be further on with this but I lost 1 and a half days as the School decided that as it had an open evening Wednesday all the children would leave early on Wednesday and have Thursday off to put the class rooms back to normal and allow the Teachers time off as they were working late.
No photos I'm afraid, but papers are now dry and in piles awaiting embroidery
There maybe a "fabricate at the week-end" blog if the papers and I get to see the threads and needle without interuption!

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