It's the annual - 5th year - girlie weekend to Centre Parcs from Friday evening.
Child free, husband free, carefree weekend.
We always plan for the weekend after Rememberance Sunday, but this year it was early as the 11th day of the 11th month fell on a Wednesday. Not a problem...
BUT then the powers that be decided very late in the day that the Church Bazaar would also be on this weekend!
So how GUILTY do I feel?
Pretty bad actually as I usually do quite a bit. Everyone seems to be bemoaning the fact that the theme - not my idea! - is making it difficult to decorate the stalls. So when the Mothers' Union members said that they didn't have any suitable headresses that went with this years theme - Tudor - I rustled up five Tudor style hats for them to wear while they serve on the cake stall.
Here's what I did in pictures
Materials: Pelmet vilene, string and poly cotton

After measuring length of vilene on friend's head five pieces were cut and folded in half and a doubled up piece of string was positioned in the fold and then I machine stitched down next to the string
Finding the centre of this strip I folded it in half and then secured it with machine stitches
So that it had a point
I did it twice more so that it stood up like this and would frame the face.
Just like this!
Then my friend cut out these not quite semi-circles
We hand sewed running stitches so the fabric could be gathered up

Which were then pinned to the vilene

And a tuck to gather up the excess lower edge
So there you have it
A Tudor Style Headress in two hours - well five headresses actually
Now I'm off to bind the quilt I made for the Ladies Working Party Raffle!
Guilt Assuaged?
Maybe while I'll having my Spa treatments on Saturday I might feel abit better!